Make Life Less Difficult
"What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other?" - mary anne evansThis quote summarizes my life purpose. Life isn't easy. It's complex, filled with the unexpected, and sometimes really hard. While life is full of challenges, I believe there are myriad things we can do to help make life less difficult for each other.On this podcast we'll share stories, struggles, and successes that help us know we're not alone. And knowing we're not alone is one way to make life less difficult.
Podcasting since 2021 • 212 episodes
Make Life Less Difficult
Latest Episodes
Russ Watts: When Pain is a Teacher
My guest today doesn’t really qualify as a guest, as much as a co-contributor. Russ Watts has been regular guest, sharing stories, reflections, hosting conversations, and contributing in so many ways to making life less difficult...
Episode 212

Stephen Barry: Re-Finding Community, Faith, and Love
My guest today is Stephen Barry.Stephen is a massage therapist living in the Nashville, Tennessee area.Stephen is someone who I have wanted to have on the podcast for years, so it’s truly a delight to finally share this conversati...
Episode 211

Gai Ben Dor: The Importance of Discovering Who We Are
My guest today is Gai Ben Dor.Gai is a leadership development and change management expert, coach, and facilitator who works with leaders and organizations worldwide. He is an international keynote speaker specializing in leadership and ...
Episode 210

Allison Ebert: Finding Purpose Through Strengths AND Weaknesses
My guest today is Allison Ebert. Allison is an Education Specialist with the U.S. Department of State. She’s also a Leadership Coach through Georgetown University’s Institute of Transformational Leadership and has a Master of ...
Episode 209

Lynn Ellen Queen: Stories of the Sacred and Shameless
My guest today is Lynn Ellen Queen.Lynn Ellen is an executive coach working with clients from around the globe. One of her core values is making a difference, which she truly does, as you’ll soon hear through her stories here....
Episode 208