Make Life Less Difficult

Noel Bulger: Reflections post-divorce and reentering relationship after loss

November 15, 2023 Lisa Tilstra Episode 141
Make Life Less Difficult
Noel Bulger: Reflections post-divorce and reentering relationship after loss
Show Notes

My guest today is Noel Bulger.

Noel is a returning guest to the podcast after sharing pieces of his story on episode 100!  

Noel is a leadership coach and veteran of the US Marine Corps.  

Noel grew up in Ireland and moved to the United States at age 18.  He has had life toss him some difficult curveballs including the loss of his son, PTSD from his time in the military, and a traumatic childhood.

In our conversation today, Noel shares reflections on his divorce and the process of healing and reentering relationship after the loss.  His introspection is inspiring, and he shares a beautiful wisdom that has been birthed through pain.

Noel works with organization and leaders around the globe helping them develop the skills of leadership, communication, strategy creation, and culture transformation.

Noel has degrees from Georgetown and Stanford Universities, Thomas Aquinas College, and the Marine Corps University.  He has been awarded medals of commendation and achievement from both the Navy and the Marine Corps.

Noel, thank you for entering into this amazing conversation. Thank you for sharing these pieces of your story, of your healing, of your processing.  Your transparency is an inspiration for so many and you offer peace and healing to others as you have worked intentionally to create that peace and healing in your own life.



Make Life Less Difficult