Make Life Less Difficult

Caitlin Avery: The Courage to Overcome, Make Amends, and Heal

Episode 170

My guest today is Caitlin Avery.

Caitlin is an award-winning author, a triathlete, mountain biker, backpacker, black-diamond skier, and yoga enthusiast.

I was honored to meet Caitlin through the kind introduction from Andrea Barton from episode 165.  Thank you, Andrea!

One of the books Caitlin has written tells the fictional story of a woman who outed her high school rapist through a Facebook post over 20 years after the fact.  The book is titled, Life of Cyn.  As you’ll hear in our conversation today, the book is inspired by Caitlin’s personal journey and experience.

It’s deeply moving and a powerful story of shedding shame, doing the hard work of healing and growing, and standing in one’s courage while allowing others to support.

Caitlin, thank you for sharing your story here on the podcast as well as through your writing.  Your courage and strength shows up both places.

Please note, as you begin to listen to this episode, we talk about rape and sexual assault throughout the conversation.  Please take care of yourself first and foremost even if it means not listening today.  I have included a link in the show notes to RAINN where there are many additional resources for anyone who has been affected by sexual assault or violence.

Caitlin would be delighted if you would follow her on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook as Caitlin Avery Author.  And those links are also in the show notes.






RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network):
Alcoholics Anonymous:
Al Anon:

Make Life Less Difficult