Make Life Less Difficult

Chris Thyberg: Getting out of your own way

Episode 44

My guest today is Chris Thyberg.

Chris is the founder and principal of The Serving Way, a leadership coaching practice dedicated to partnering with experienced and emerging leaders in all sectors as they pursue great purposes for results that really matter. It is his calling and privilege to journey alongside clients as they develop new capacities to achieve exceptional performance and transformative action. 

Chris has been traveling the serving way of leadership for more than 35 years as a senior executive, a team builder, a facilitator, and an executive leadership coach. 

He shares that he’s experienced significant triumphs and tough setbacks. He knows firsthand what it’s like to flourish or suffer under leader depending on their approach to leadership.  He believes great leaders begin by leading themselves well.  He works diligently to lead himself well as he works with others to help them develop these foundational life and leadership skills as well.

Chris lives in Pittsburgh with his wife, Leslie. They love to eat Leslie’s amazing cooking, laugh a lot, travel when there isn’t a pandemic, and hang out with their grown kids and partners who all live nearby. No grandkids … yet … but four furry grand-dogs to look after when needed.

Thank you so much for sharing pieces of your journey, Chris, and the wisdom you have learned and continue to learn!

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Make Life Less Difficult