Make Life Less Difficult

Lynn Ellen Queen: Stories of the Sacred and Shameless

Episode 208

My guest today is Lynn Ellen Queen.

Lynn Ellen is an executive coach working with clients from around the globe.  One of her core values is making a difference, which she truly does, as you’ll soon hear through her stories here.

Lynn Ellen also makes a difference in her volunteer work, serving on several non-profit boards.

In our conversation today, Lynn Ellen shares two stories of transformation.  The first one focuses on her personal transformation which led to making the second one possible.  When Lynn Ellen first shared pieces of her story with me, I immediately asked if she’d come on my podcast.  The love, the compassion, the human connection all are deeply inspiring and a much-needed reminder that we can all choose to make life a little less difficult for others when we are willing to do the hard work of self-reflection and pair that with seeing others with love and presence.

Lynn Ellen, thank you for sharing these pieces of your journey.  Thank you for sharing candidly about your own journey and self-discovery. And thank you for creating love in the world for both yourself and others!  You are an incredible change-maker.

To learn more about Lynn Ellen and the work she does in the world, you’ll find links below.

Connect with Lynn Ellen on LinkedIn:

Lynn Ellen's Website:


Make Life Less Difficult